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Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)

The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is the ratio of the signal peak power level to the total noise level and is expressed in decibels (dB).

The SNR is computed by searching the entire spectrum to find the peak frequency and then calculating the total noise power in the remaining spectrum.  The SNR is then computed as the ratio of the noise power to the peak power and expressed in decibels.

This utility window can be resized as required by the user and its contents will update anytime a new spectrum is computed.  If the analyzer is configured to display the spectrum of both the left and right channels, this utility window will also show the value for both channels.  The left channel value will appear above the right channel value.

  • Hanning or Blackman smoothing window is recommended because of its low noise quality.  
  • An FFT size of 2048 or greater is recommended in order to to provide adequate spectral resolution.
  • The contents of any open utility window will be printed on the right margin of the spectrum view.

    See Also: SINAD, NF