Contents - Index

DDE Commands

Analyzer Control
[Run] Starts the Analyzer
[Run ##] Runs the Analyzer and stops after ## FFT's are performed
[Single Step]  Performs a single FFT and stops.
[Go To ##] Go to the specified time within the WAV file (## = time in seconds)
[Go To Sample ##] Go to the specified sample index within the WAV file (0 based index)
[Stop] Stops the Analyzer
[Rewind] Rewinds to the start of WAV file
[Fast Forward] Jumps to the end of the WAV file
[Record] Records new WAV data at current file position
[Pause Recorder] Pauses recording but allows analyzer to continue running
[Resume Recorder] Resumes a paused recording 
[Play] Plays WAV file from current position
[Play Segment $ &] Play WAV segment (#=start time in seconds, &=stop time in seconds)
[Apply Filter # &] Apply filter to wave file (#=start time in seconds, &=stop time in seconds)
[Set Filter Channel #] Set which channels to filter (0=Left only, 1=Right only, 2=Both left and right)

[Mode Real Time] Changes to Real Time mode
[Mode Recorder] Changes to Recorder mode
[Mode Post Processing] Changes to Post Processing mode

File Operations
[File Open FILENAME.WAV] Opens specified WAV file
[File Open FILENAME.CFG] Opens specified configuration file
[File Open FILENAME.CAL] Opens specified calibration file
[File Open FILENAME.MAC] Opens and runs the specified macro file.
[File Open FILENAME.RVB] Opens the specified reverb file.
[File Open FILENAME.THD] Opens the specified thd vs frequency file.
[File Open FILENAME.FLT] Sets the specified filter response file as the custom filter file
[File Save FILENAME.WAV] Saves current WAV file with specified filename
[File Decimate FILENAME.WAV RATIO] Decimates and saves WAV file with specified filename and decimation ratio
[File Merge LEFT.WAV RIGHT.WAV] Merges two mono WAV files into a single Stereo WAV file
[File Close] Closes .WAV file 
[File Delete #] Deletes the specified filename (use caution - cannot be undone)

Clipboard Operations
[Cut Time Segment # &] Cut time segment to clipboard (#=start time in seconds, &=stop time in seconds)
[Copy Time Segment # &] Copy time segment to clipboard (#=start time in seconds, &=stop time in seconds)
[Paste Time Segment #] Paste time segment from clipboard (#=paste time in seconds)
[Mute Time Segment # &] Mute time segment (#=start time in seconds, &=stop time in seconds)

[Set Sampling Rate #] Sets the sampling rate where # is the value in Hertz
[Set Sampling Precision #] Sets the sampling precision where # is the value in bits per sample (8, 16, or 24)
[Set FFT Size #] Sets the FFT size
[Set Decimation Ratio #] Sets the decimation ratio
[Set Channel #] Sets the channel processing where # is one of the following: 
   Left, Right, Both, Average, Coherence, Transfer LR, 
   Transfer RL, Transfer LR+C, Transfer RL+C
[Set Delay #] Sets the cross channel delay where # is the delay time in milliseconds
[Window #] Sets the Smoothing Window type where # is one of the the window names (e.g. Blackman, Flat Top, Hamming).
[Set Average Mode #] Sets the averaging type where # is Blocks or Meter.
[Set Average Type #] Sets the averaging type where # is Exponential, Linear or Vector
[Set Average Size ##] Sets the averaging block size or speed.  
  If Block mode, ## = 1...1000; 1001 = Infinite.  
  If Meter mode 0=Off, 1=Fast, 2=Medium, 3=Slow, 4=Forever
[Reset Average] Resets running average
[Reset Overload] Resets overload status
[Set Peak Hold #] Set the Peak Hold Type where # is: 
   0=Off, 1=Fast, 2=Medium, 3=Slow, 4=Forever
[Set FFT Overlap ##] Sets the FFT overlap percentage (## = 0...99) Post Processing mode only

[Set Amplitude Scaling Type #] Sets the amplitude axis scaling type where # is Linear, Log or LogMag
[Set Left Amplitude Scaling Type #] Sets the left channel amplitude axis scaling type  where # is Linear, Log or LogMag (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Right Amplitude Scaling Type #] Sets the right channel amplitude axis scaling type where # is Linear, Log or LogMag (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Frequency Scaling Type #] Sets the frequency scaling axis type where # is Linear, Log or Octave
[Set Left Frequency Scaling Type #] Sets the left channel frequency scaling axis type where # is Linear, Log or Octave (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Right Frequency Scaling Type #] Sets the right channel frequency scaling axis type where # is Linear, Log or Octave (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Octave #] Sets the Octave number where # is 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 etc.
[Set Left Octave #] Sets the left channel Octave number where # is 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 etc.  (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Right Octave #] Sets the right channel Octave number where # is 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 etc.  (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Spectrum Weighting #] Sets the spectrum weighting where # is Flat, A, B or C
[Set Left Spectrum Weighting #] Sets the left channel spectrum weighting where # is Flat, A, B or C (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Right Spectrum Weighting #] Sets the right channel spectrum weighting where # is Flat, A, B or C (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Total Power Weighting #] Sets the Total Power weighting where # is Flat, A, B or C
[Set Left Total Power Weighting #] Sets the left channel Total Power weighting where # is Flat, A, B or C (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Right Total Power Weighting #] Sets the right channel Total Power weighting where # is Flat, A, B or C (independent channel scaling only)
[Set PSD Type #]  Sets the PSD type where # is either 0 or 1.  
  0 is units^2/Hz
  1 is units/sqrt(Hz)
[Set Left PSD Type #] Sets the left channel PSD type where # is either 0 or 1.  (independent channel scaling only)
  0 is units^2/Hz
  1 is units/sqrt(Hz)
[Set Right PSD Type #] Sets the right channel PSD type where # is either 0 or 1.  (independent channel scaling only)
  0 is units^2/Hz
  1 is units/sqrt(Hz)
[Enable PSD] Enables PSD
[Enable Left PSD] Enables PSD for the left channel (independent channel scaling only)
[Enable Right PSD] Enables PSD for the right channel (independent channel scaling only)
[Disable PSD] Disables PSD
[Disable Left PSD] Disables PSD for the left channel (independent channel scaling only)
[Disable Right PSD] Disables PSD for the right channel (independent channel scaling only)
[Set Mic Compensation File #] Sets the microphone compensation filename to use for both channels
[Set Left Mic Compensation File #] Sets the microphone compensation filename to use for the left channel
[Set Right Mic Compensation File #] Sets the microphone compensation filename to use for the right channel
[Enable Mic Compensation] Enables mic compensation
[Enable Left Mic Compensation] Enables left channel mic compensation
[Enable Right Mic Compensation] Enables right channel mic compensation
[Disable Mic Compensation] Disables mic compensation
[Disable Left Mic Compensation] Disables left channel mic compensation
[Disable Right Mic Compensation] Disables right channel mic compensation

Signal Generator
[Open Generator] Opens the signal generator utility
[Close Generator] Closes the signal generator utility
[Start Generator] Starts the generator
[Stop Generator] Stops the generator
[Set Generator Type Left #] Set the left channel generator signal type where XYZ is the name of the signal
  type to use.  Use any of the names shown in the generator's drop 
  down list box.   Example [Set Generator Type Left Pink Noise]
[Set Generator Type Right #] Set the right channel generator signal type where XYZ is the name of the signal
  type to use.  Use any of the names shown in the generator's drop 
  down list box.   Example [Set Generator Type Right Pink Noise]
[Set Generator Tone Left Freq AmpDB]  Sets the left channel generator type as "multiple tones" and configures it to 
  produce a single tone at the specified frequency and relative 
  amplitude.  The amplitude value must be between 0.0 and -96 dB.  
  Example [Set Generator Tone Left 1500 -24]
[Set Generator Tone Right Freq AmpDB]     Sets the right channel generator type as "multiple tones" and configures it to 
  produce a single tone at the specified frequency and relative 
  amplitude.  The amplitude value must be between 0.0 and -96 dB.  
  Example [Set Generator Tone Right 1500 -24]
[Set Generator Wave File Left #]  Sets the left channel generator type to "User Defined" and sets the wave filename to (# = filename)
[Set Generator Wave File Right #]  Sets the right channel generator type to "User Defined" and sets the wave filename to (# = filename)
[Set Generator Level Left &] Set the left channel generator output level where & is the level value.
[Set Generator Level Right &] Set the right channel generator output level where & is the level value.

[Trigger] Forces trigger to occur
[Trigger On] Enable Triggering
[Trigger Off] Disable Triggering
[Trigger ReArm On] Enables ReArm after trigger setting.
[Trigger ReArm Off] Disables ReArm after trigger setting.

[Set Marker # xxx] Sets frequency of marker # to XXX Hz.
[Show Marker #] Shows marker #
[Hide Marker #] Shows marker #

[Set Overlay #] Sets both left and right overlays from the current spectral data where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Set Left Overlay #] Sets the left channel overlay from the current spectral data where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Set Right Overlay #] Sets the right channel overlay from the current spectral data where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Set Overlay From Peak Hold #] Sets both left and right overlays from the current peak hold spectral data where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Set Left Overlay From Peak Hold #] Sets the left channel overlay from the current peak hold spectral data where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Set Right Overlay From Peak Hold #] Sets the right channel overlay from the current peak spectral data where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Show Overlay #] Shows both left and right overlays where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Show Left Overlay #] Shows the left channel overlay where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Show Right Overlay #] Shows the right channel overlay where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Hide Overlay #] Hides both left and right overlays where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Hide Left Overlay #] Hides the left channel overlay where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Hide Right Overlay #] Hides the right channel overlay where # is the overlay number (1-7)
[Set Overlay Offset # &] Set the Offset for both channels where # is the overlay number (1-7) and & is the offset in dB.  
[Set Left Overlay Offset # &] Set the Offset for the left channel where # is the overlay number (1-7) and & is the offset in dB
[Set Right Overlay Offset # &] Set the Offset for the right channel where # is the overlay number (1-7) and & is the offset in dB
[Set Overlay Legend # &] Set the legend for both channels where # is the overlay number (1-7) and & is the legend  
[Set Left Overlay Legend # &] Set the legend for the left channel where # is the overlay number (1-7) and & is the legend
[Set Right Overlay Legend # &] Set the legend for the right channel where # is the overlay number (1-7) and & is the legend
[Setup Composite Overlay # &] Setup the composite overlay for both channels where # is the composite type (AVG or SUB).  
  If AVG the & parameter is a list of channels to include in the average.  
  For example [Setup Composite Overlay AVG 1 0 0 1 0 0] will include overlays 1 and 4 in the average.
  If SUB the & parameter is a list of which two channels are to be subtracted.
  For example [Setup Composite Overlay SUB 4 6] will subtract overlay 4 from 6
[Setup Left Composite Overlay # &] Same as above but only for the left channel
[Setup Right Composite Overlay # &] Same as above but only for the right channel
[Save Left Overlay File # &] Save the left channel overlay # to the specified filename &
[Save Right Overlay File # &] Save the right channel overlay # to the specified filename &
[Load Left Overlay File # &] Load the left channel overlay # from the specified filename &
[Load Right Overlay File # &] Load the right channel overlay # from the specified filename &

[Save Config #] Saves the calibration parameters in the specified filename.
[Load Config #] Loads the calibration parameters from the specified filename

[Calibrate] Calibrates the analyzer to the input signal using the current calibration parameters.
[Save Calibration #] Saves the calibration parameters in the specified filename.
[Load Calibration #] Loads the calibration parameters from the specified filename
[Enable Calibration] Enables calibration
[Disable Calibration] Disables calibration
[Calibrate to Zero dBr Left #] Sets the calibration reference point to 0.0 dBr for the left channel where # is the frequency.  
[Calibrate to Zero dBr Right #] Sets the calibration reference point to 0.0 dBr for the right channel where # is the frequency.

Device Selection
[Set Input Device #] Sets the sound card device used for input where # is either the 1 based index into the device list or the exact device name
[Set Output Device #] Sets the sound card device used for output where # is either the 1 based index into the device list or the exact device name

[Open Time Series] Opens the Time Series view
[Close Time Series] Closes the Time Series view
[Maximize Time Series] Maximizes the view in the overall application
[Restore Time Series] Restores the view to its normal size
[Set Time Segment # ##] Sets the start and stop time to display in the time series plot where # is the start time and ## is the stop time in seconds
[Set Time Series Plot Top #] Sets the Plot Top parameter value
[Set Time Series Plot Range #] Sets the Plot Range parameter value
[Autoscale Time Series] Sets the plot top and range based on the current data
[Clear Spectrum] Clears the Spectrum trace 
[Clear Peak Hold] Clears the Peak Hold trace 

[Open Spectrum] Opens the Spectrum view
[Close Spectrum] Closes the Spectrum view
[Maximize Spectrum] Maximizes the view in the overall application
[Restore Spectrum] Restores the view to its normal size
[Spectrum Freq Span # ##]  Sets the start and stop frequency span to display in the Spectrum view where # is the start frequency and ## is the stop frequency in Hz
[Set Spectrum Plot Top #] Sets the Plot Top parameter value
[Set Spectrum Plot Range #] Sets the Plot Range parameter value
[Autoscale Spectrum] Sets the plot top and range based on the current data
[Set Spectrum Bar Graph] Sets display to bar graph type
[Set Spectrum Stepped Bar Graph] Sets display to stepped bar graph type
[Set Spectrum Line Graph] Sets display to line graph type
[Compute Average Spectrum # ##] Computes and displays the average spectrum for the specified time segment where # is the start time and ## is the stop time in seconds
[Compute Reverb # ##] Computes and displays the reverb (RT-60) for the specified time segment where # is the start time and ## is the stop time in seconds

[Open Phase] Opens the Phase view
[Close Phase] Closes the Phase view
[Maximize Phase] Maximizes the view in the overall application
[Restore Phase] Restores the view to its normal size
[Phase Freq Span # ##]  Sets the start and stop frequency span to display in the Phase view where # is the start frequency and ## is the stop frequency in Hz

[Open Surface] Opens the Surface view
[Close Surface] Closes the Surface view
[Maximize Surface] Maximizes the view in the overall application
[Restore Surface] Restores the view to its normal size
[Surface Freq Span # ##]  Sets the start and stop frequency span to display in the 3D Surface view where # is the start frequency and ## is the stop frequency in Hz
[Build Surface # ##] Builds and fills the Surface view with the spectum for the specified time segment where # is the start time and ## is the stop time in seconds

[Open Spectrogram] Opens the Spectrogram view
[Close Spectrogram] Closes the Spectrogram view
[Maximize Spectrogram] Maximizes the view in the overall application
[Restore Spectrogram] Restores the view to its normal size
[Spectrogram Freq Span # ##]  Sets the start and stop frequency span to display in the Spectrogram view where # is the start frequency and ## is the stop frequency in Hz
[Build Spectrogram # ##] Builds and fills the Spectrogram view with the spectum for the specified time segment where # is the start time and ## is the stop time in seconds

[Copy to Clipboard as Bitmap] Places the contents of the currently active view on the Windows clipboard in a bitmap format

[Open Peak Freq Utility] Opens the Peak Frequency utility window
[Close Peak Freq Utility] Closes the Peak Frequency utility window

[Open Peak Amp Utility] Opens the Peak Amplitude utility window
[Close Peak Amp Utility] Closes the Peak Amplitude utility window

[Open Total Power Utility] Opens the Total Power utility window
[Close Total Power Utility] Closes the Total Power utility window

[Open THD Utility] Opens the THD utility window
[Close THD Utility] Closes the THD utility window

[Open THD_N Utility] Opens the THD+N utility window
[Close THD_N Utility] Closes the THD+N utility window

[Open THDvsFreq] Opens the THD+N vs Frequency utility
[Close THDvsFreq] Closes the THD+N vs Frequency utility
[Start THDvsFreq] Starts the THD+N vs Frequency measurement
[Save THDvsFreq #] Saves the THD+N vs Frequency measurement results where # is the filename
[Print THDvsFreq] Print the THD+N vs Frequency plot to the default printer

[Open IMD Utility] Opens the IMD utility window
[Close IMD Utility] Closes the IMD utility window

[Open SNR Utility] Opens the SNR utility window
[Close SNR Utility] Closes the SNR utility window

[Open DelayFinder] Opens the Delay Finder utility
[Close DelayFinder] Closes the Delay Finder utility
[Apply DelayFinder] Applys the current delay finder value to the processing settings.

[Open PhaseScope]    Opens the Phase Scope utility
[Close PhaseScope]    Closes the Phase Scope utility

[Open Macro]    Opens the macro command processor utility
[Close Macro] Closes the macro command processor utility
[Open Macro File #] Opens the specified macro filename
[Start Macro] Runs the current macro
[Stop Macro] Stops the current macro

[Open Reverb] Opens the Reverberation utility
[Close Reverb] Closes the Reverberation utility
[Start Reverb] Starts the Reverberation measurement
[Save Reverb #] Saves the Reverberation measurement results where # is the filename
[Set Reverb View Time] Sets the Reverberation utility view to show the reverb times plot
[Set Reverb View Decay] Sets the Reverberation utility view to show the reverb decay plot
[Set Reverb View Surface] Sets the Reverberation utility view to show the 3-D Surface plot

[Enable DataLogging] Enables data logging
[Disable DataLogging] Disables data logging
[Set DataLogging File #] Sets the name of the data logging output file

[Open Leq] Opens the Equivalent Noise Analysis tool
[Close Leq] Closes the Equivalent Noise Analysis tool
[Reset Leq] Resets the Equivalent Noise values.

[Set Annotation Line1 XYZ] Sets the text for annotation line 1
[Set Annotation Line2 XYZ] Sets the text for annotation line 2
[Enable Comment Block] Enables the comments when printing
[Disable Comment Block] Disables the comments when printing
[Set Comment Line1 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 1
[Set Comment Line2 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 2
[Set Comment Line3 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 3 
[Set Comment Line4 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 4
[Set Comment Line5 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 5 
[Set Comment Line6 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 6
[Set Comment Line7 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 7
[Set Comment Line8 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 8
[Set Comment Line9 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 9
[Set Comment Line10 abc]  Sets the text for comment line 10
[Print Time Series] Print the time series plot.  
[Print Spectrum] Print the spectrum plot.  
[Print Phase] Print the phase plot.  
[Print Spectrogram] Print the spectrogram plot.  
[Print 3D Surface] Print the 3D surface plot.  
[Print THDvsFreq] Print the THD+N vs Frequency plot to the default printer

Window Control
[Minimize Window] Shrink application to an icon
[Restore Window] Restore application to normal position
[Maximize Window] Expand application to full screen
[Cascade Windows] Cascade all view windows
[Tile Windows Vertical] Tile all views vertically
[Tile Windows Horizontal] Tile all views horizontally
[Hide Window] Hides the application from view
[Show Window] Shows the application
[Hide Menu] Hides the main application menu
[Show Menu] Shows the main application menu
[Hide Toolbar] Hides the main application toolbar
[Show Toolbar] Shows the main application toolbar
[Hide Toolbar2] Hides the secondary application toolbar
[Show Toolbar2] Shows the secondary application toolbar
[Hide Statusbar] Hides the main application lower statusbar
[Show Statusbar] Shows the main application lower statusbar
[Hide Plot Toolbars] Hides the toolbars of all open views
[Show Plot Toolbars] Shows the toolbars of all open views
[Exit Application] Exits the application

Special Functions
[Ambient Compensate] Creates a mic compensation files AmbientLeft.mic and 
  AmbientRight.mic from the most recent 1 second of 
  data and uses it as the current mic compensation file.
[Ambient Compensate Enable] Enables the ambient compensation
[Ambient Compensate Disable] Disables ambient compensation
[Set Peak Search Bandwidth # &] Set the bandwidth to use for the Peak Frequency and Peak Amplitude data request items
  (# = start frequency and & = stop frequency)

See AlsoDynamic Data Exchange, DDE Data Requests, DDE Examples